Window Scraper is a Trademark of Hampton Data Inc. Window Scraper is Copyright 1995 of Hampton Data. Windows is a Trademark of Microsoft Corporation, 1983-1995 Introduction ============= Thank you for downloading the demo version of Window Scraper! This program is an OLE 2 Automation enabled terminal emulator. It was designed AS a Window Scraper, and NOT a fully featured terminal emulator. However, it does support most of the standard features found in most terminal emulators today. Window Scraper enables a developer to quickly and easily develop Microsoft Windows graphical interfaces to character based applications which are running on a remote host. Regardless of what host your character applications runs on, VAX, MVS, Unix, any remote host which is capable of a host connection using serial, TCP/IP or Netware can now have a graphical front end. This tool will enable IS departments, and software companies to extend the life of their character based applications. To use Window Scraper over a network, you must install COMT. A demo version of COMt is included with Window Scraper. COMt must be purchased separately. Since Window Scraper uses the OLE 2 deFacto standard, the developer doesn't have to learn complicated HLLAPI's and a whole new library. A developer can use whatever development system he or she prefers in the Windows environment. Window Scraper works with: Visual Basic, Visual C++, PowerBuilder, MS-Excel, MS-Access, MS-Word, and any other development system, or application capable of being an OLE Automation controller (client). Developers now can also use a POWERFUL scripting language to handle difficult macros. Since Window Scraper can be controlled by Visual Basic, a developer can use Visual Basic or VBA as the terminal emulation scripting language. Window Scraper is an ideal solution for corporate application developers who wish to add client/sever/GUI capability to their host applications. Competing products charge as much as $300 to $1000 dollars for their products, Window Scraper is being offered as a low introductory cost of only $39.95. After the introduction sale is over, the price will go up. Features: ========= - Runs on: Windows 3.1, Wfw 3.1 and Windows95 - OLE 2 Automation Server - Muliple versions capable of running simultaneously - Emulations supported: VT-52, VT-100, ANSI and TTY - Kermit, XModem, YModem and Zmodem file transfer - Session Logging * Dialer database capable with MS-Access * Generate GUI interfaces for character based applications - Use VBA as terminal scripting language * Built in CallerID support - Works over networks: TCP/IP, Serial, and Netware - Build controllers with: Visual Basic, PowerSoft MS-Excel, MS-Access, MS-Word * GUI Application development tools/utilities/libraries (* Items NOT 100% supported in DEMO version) (* entire OLE API not capable with DEMO version) Installation ============ To install Window Scraper, insert the first disk, and type a:\isntall.exe After a successful installation, it may be necessary to regester the OLE 2.0 DLL's in your windows\system directory. To do so, run the regedit.exe program, and select the 'merge registration file' menu item. When prompted for a file, select the file 'x:\windows\system\ole2.reg' where 'x' is your drive where windows is installed. Starting the program ==================== Window Scraper can be launched as a stand alone application. To start it in this mode, simply double click on the Window Scraper icon. In this mode, no Automation capability is possible. To launch in the Automation mode, you must make a program. (Note: All example source code will be in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). First, you must declare a GLOBAL object variable. If you DON'T make the object variable GLOBAL, it will loose scope at the end of your routine, and Window Scaper will terminate. example: 'Global Variable declarations in GLOBAL.BAS Scraper as Object Second, in the FORM_LOAD event of the form use wish to use, add the following line: example: sub form_load() set Scraper = CreateObject("WindowScraper") end sub From now on, you will need to reference the 'Terminal' class within the Window Scraper object. The 'Terminal' class contains the functionally to manipulate the terminal. Third, now, begin add code, to access the Window Scraper API. For example, you might want to set the COM PORT, and then open it. Example: sub form_load() set Scraper = CreateObject("WindowScraper") Scraper.Terminal.ComPort = 2 ' Set com port Scraper.Terminal.PortOpen = TRUE ' Open the com port, TRUE should equal -1 end sub Next, you could dial your host example: sub form_load() set Scraper = CreateObject("WindowScraper") Scraper.Terminal.ComPort = 2 ' Set com port Scraper.Terminal.PortOpen = TRUE ' Open the com port, TRUE should equal -1 Scraper.Terminal.Output = "ATDT555-5555" + chr$(13) 'Dial the number 555-5555, Note: must have 'a character return in order execute input. end sub Finally, you can check to see if you are connected: sub form_load() set Scraper = CreateObject("WindowScraper") Scraper.Terminal.ComPort = 2 ' Set com port Scraper.Terminal.PortOpen = TRUE ' Open the com port, TRUE should equal -1 If Scraper.Terminal.Output = "CONNECTED" then MessageBox "Connected" EndIf end sub GUI Development =============== Using the Visual Basic, a developer creates a graphical form that looks similar (or dissimilar for that matter) to the character based screen. The developer would place text box on the form, that text box would map to a specific field on the character based screen. The developer would also use label controls to map to field specifiers. The developer would need to specify, the Column, Line and length of the field. For example, if the screen had look like this: 1234567890 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | Name: Larry P. Maloney 4 | Address: XXXX Street 5 | City 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following code, could then be added to display a GUI form for this character screen: sub button1_click() Label(1).Caption = Scraper.Terminal.ScreenField(4,3,4) Text(1).Text = Scraper.Terminal.ScreenField(11,3,16) end sub This sample, shows but ONE of the many functions available in Window Scraper.Terminal. Window scraper has the ability to AUTOMATICALLY find fields, WITHOUT problematically specifying them. This feature isn't available in the demo version. Movement ======== The most reliable method to move the cursor in Window Scraper, is to use the tab character. Example: Scraper.Terminal.Terminal.Output = chr$(9) Support ======= Support is NOT available for demo versions of Window Scraper. Support is available for paying users of Window Scraper. Additional support services is available for application developers. Please submit all support questions to your email address at